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So the current social movement, uh, to protect Litekyan results actually from ongoing historical injustices that still, uh, shape, uh, the nature of the island's governance and, um, I can go more into detail later maybe to, um, to talk about how the political status is right now with, uh, Guahan. But for now for the introduction, Ill keep it a little more brief and say that, uh, the United States Department of Defense plans to re, um, for the relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps personnel from Okinawa to Guahan, included the construction of a live fire training range complex and here you can see on the map. So the blue is Litekyan which I showed pictures of along the beach, um, and then up on the ridge is the other part which is called Tailalo in the native language and is renamed by the Department of Defense as Northwest Field. And so I didn't show any pictures of Tailalo because that is inaccessible for people to go there but, um, I want to highlight that Tailalo, so in Tailalo there will be 256 acres of limestone forest that will be bulldozed to build a firing range and that landscape is also very important to the Chamorro people. Um, it not only is a very, um, pristine forest with endangered species, it also has a lot of cultural artifacts that haven't been, uh, explored yet and are very special to the Chamorro people. Um, for my research, Im also focusing on the last, um, the fight for the last Hayun lagu tree or Serianthes nelsonii which is located, um, in the footprint, next to the footprint of the firing range, you can see the green triangle there. And although this is a critically endangered species and there is only one adult, uh, seed producing tree left on Guahan, um, that this tree won't be cut down because of the firing range but there will be only a hundred feet buffer around the tree left which is not enough to sustain a healthy population and will also jeopardize the tree during, uh, storms. So, uh, this tree actually became kind of a symbol for, um, for resistance for the movement that, uh, resulted from this so this is important to note but it's also important to say that people cannot connect with this tree unfortunately because it's on restricted, um, place. Um and then you can see Litekyan there so on the, in the blue and the surface danger zone of this firing range will actually prevent access to Litekyan for traditional healers so, not completely, 68% of the lands will not be accessible during the use of the firing range.
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know, the alternative with the least effects. You can actually choose what, they can actually choose whatever, uh, alternative they want. Secondly, uh, public input only needs to be considered so they really, they can, they can take the public input and give comments back but it doesn't need to be taken into account really. So and that's actually a little bit what happened on Guahan and there's two, um, phases of public input- there is one when the environmental impact statement starts. Before that, there is like the public scoping but unfortunately, um, there was not much transparency, uh, and there's also, um the people people's input wasn't taken into account and once the environmental impact statement draft was there, uh, there was a lot of public comments that, um, were about spirituality and also about indigenous practices and these kinds of, um, not real data according to you know like more US law, wasn't taken into account and that's very unfortunate. I really think that's lacking in NEPA that spirituality and, um, and practices is not, um, being taken for into consideration when you do an evaluation for NEPA. And then secondly, there's also a few other laws that go along with NEPA process and that's Endangered Species Act and I talked about the Hayun lagu tree- the last tree- there is actually no input that is necessary from the public with US law which is very unfortunate because, um, endangered species is not just scientists that know things about it or feel things about it. I really think that the people of Guahan really wanted to protect that tree- its actually the largest tree in the Marianas which is and it also occurs on Rota and it's also only, they only have 35 trees and it kind of also has this relationship with the islands, um, in within the archipelago and I, the Prutehi Litekyan actually submitted, um, documents to really, um, advocate not to build a firing range so close to the tree but that was not taken into account because there is no legally, no public input allowed. and there already the conversation stopped, uh, for the Endangered Species Act. And then with the National Historical Preservation Act, the problem with Tailalo which is the area that is not accessible for people, uh, people don't know what cultural artifacts are there because they can't go there- that's already a problem. And then, um, once there were more artifacts found it was hard to go back and re-evaluate and then mitigation also is something that is an indigenous perspective not really possible because they really want to keep, um, those artifacts in place, right, compared to like having them stored in a museum. But of course, the Litekyan access again that's a very, um, important point why NEPA was really, where NEPA really was failing and not taking that into consideration how people related to the landscape really there. I think that's a major, you know, that's the answer on the politics.
Litekyan is and was really, um, like empowering the community and educating the community about these different aspects of why it is important to preserve the landscape. I even went into like making memes of like, uh, endangered species and talking, uh, on social media about all these different aspects so I really think the movement was so important not just to educate the people in the community but also the policy makers they kept on doing this over and over again and got really attention, um, from them which was really important. And I think, um, your question relating to as a scientist or scholar, I think what I was trying to do with being part of this movement and research is trying to see how I can have these voices better heard maybe through like this book or other means right and how can we find solutions um for the community. My research is not just this NEPA process it also includes other things but I do think that, um, the how, how the knowledge about the landscape and how important it is was really driven by, uh, Prutehi Litekyan, um, and I did participatory action research too, I included some, you know, like natural resources policy makers all okay everybody kind of that was in that same kind of policy space. I asked what they thought about the NEPA process but I also asked how what solutions they could think about think of within our current political system, how can we, uh, legitimize these voices for the people right and that's, that's another important aspect of my research where I was hoping to give back a little bit to the community and, and um.. So there are some solutions that we were thinking about and maybe I don't know if we're probably gonna get into that maybe later. But I really wanted to emphasize that like, um, you know by Prutehi Litekyan really bringing all these issues up I really think the voices of the people really need to be legitimized more.